I Am Learning

I am learning, growing, evolving, expanding. In my yoga class today, this was the intention I chose. “I am learning”. I feel this intention currently fits in all parts of my life. In the yoga classes that I have been doing around 4 times a week since May when the pandemic started, I am learningContinue reading “I Am Learning”

Everything is ok. Everything is as it should be.

This last week (or should I say year) have been a whirlwind. The feeling of constant uncertainty about my personal future, the future of my country and the future of the world seems to stay with me every single day. I believe that humans are much more adaptable than one would think, but I wonderContinue reading “Everything is ok. Everything is as it should be.”

Pep Talk to Myself

Dear Julia, You’ve passed more than that year mark in the army (only 9 months left) and that shvizut is really killing you. You’re feeling unmotivated and unsuccessful and you’re just ready for all the bullshit to be over and you can just be left with the good memories and forget about all the stress.Continue reading “Pep Talk to Myself”

The Judaean Desert and My Eliyahu HaNavi

​Yesterday I went on a tiyul (hiking trip) to Midbar Yehuda (nachal kina). We left early in the morning and drove an hour and a half from Modiin to get there. Waze told is to go through this bedoin village on an off road and we finally found the parking lot and the beginning ofContinue reading “The Judaean Desert and My Eliyahu HaNavi”

Bucket List- Things to do to create my meaningful life

We had a guy named Yuval Abromovitz come to base to give a talk. He is a sort of motivational speaker and explained how to be a “successful person” and how to achieve goals. I haven’t stopped thinking about his presentation since I heard him. He talked about how in order to achieve goals theyContinue reading “Bucket List- Things to do to create my meaningful life”